10th October 2024




Application number and Division






Morris Grange Nursing Home

Middleton Tyas


North Yorkshire

DL10 6NX

Officer Updates

Report Corrections


The home went into Administration in 2016 and was purchased by the current owners in May 2019.


Report Addition - Assessment


Building the Homes we need Written Ministerial Statement 30 July 2024 is a material planning consideration for this application. The Statement sets out that “The Government is clear that we must take a brownfield first approach, and the consultation seeks views on proposals to support such development. This includes broadening the existing definition of brownfield land and setting a strengthened expectation that applications on brownfield land will be approved.”. This application site includes brownfield land and thus the principle of development is supported by this statement as a ‘first approach’ opposed to a greenfield site. The statement is only considered of modest weight as the brownfield guidance in more focused on the green belt and further consultations are expected.


Recommendation Update


This application is a ‘major’ and comments from the LLFA are awaited. Concern in respect to drainage and flooding has been raised by the Parish Council and residents, however, the majority of the development is on previously development land and officers have recommended conditions for a detailed drainage system to be agreed before erection of external walls of the new build block.


We therefore change the recommendation to:


Minded to Grant subject to the LLFA advising they have no objection (subject to or not subject to condition(s)) and no new material representations having been raised, and subject to S106 agreement and conditions as listed in the Committee Report and updated below, delegated to the Head of Development Management.

Conditions Update


Update Condition 5: Change NPPF paragraph 184 to 190.


Update Condition 15: change condition trigger from “No piped discharge of surface water from the application site shall take place until” to “Prior to the erection of any external walls of the new build apartment block”.


And, replace “Such details shall provide for a controlled system of surface water run-off for the site as a whole, separate from the hereby approved foul drainage system” with Such details shall provide for a controlled system of surface water run-off for the site as a whole, separate from any foul drainage system associated with the site”.


Additional Condition A: Foul water  

No part of the scheme hereby permitted shall be occupied until a sustainable drainage scheme for foul drainage from the site has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The sustainable drainage scheme shall be retained, managed and maintained for the lifetime of the development in accordance with a management and maintenance plan which shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.

Reason for Condition: To prevent pollution of the water environment.